David George

It seems chance calls are common in David George’s life. First it was a call from John Fogerty’s manager asking him to join the band in 2012. It was the gig of a lifetime with Network TV appearances and a sold-out cross-country tour, sharing the stage with the legendary John Fogerty as well as many others including the legend Paul McCartney. The next notable call came from the Head of Communications from the Kansas City Chiefs asking if it would be ok if they used David’s original song “Hey, Kansas City!” The song soon became the touchdown anthem.

David, a gifted singer, songwriter and guitarist, has released twelve albums (EP’s and LP’s) with the most recent Lesson of Love (February 2018) and a new one on the way.

Currently, David is working with producing partners in New York City on a new uplifting rock musical revue that celebrates the love, romance, and acceptance people search called Christmas Ain’t A Drag.

David studied Film & Television at the University of Missouri before moving to Los Angeles/Hollywood to work in the Film Industry. Working mostly behind the camera, David has worked with Michael Jackson, Keifer Sutherland, and many others as well as legendary directors Walter Hill and Mel Gibson.